So flipside fans,
Jennifer Shaffer and I can’t be stopped.
No one has tried to stop us, but I’m just saying. It’s continuing on.
As you may know, based on checking out “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” Jennifer and I have been interviewing people in our “classroom on the flipside.” We were #1 at audible for most of September. We invite people to come forward and then I ask them some basic questions. I choose questions that are by their nature neutral, and then I research the concepts in detail.
Questions like “Who was there to greet you on the flipside? What do you miss? What do you regret? Who would you like to give a message to?”
Last week, I suggested a person for us to interview, but did not tell Jennifer who it was. Earlier in the morning, I used the technique mentioned in the books by “calling out the name” of the person we wanted to interview. Because I never met this fellow, nor did Jennifer – a few friends of mine have – I wasn’t sure how effective I would be in “calling him forward.”
Paul Allen Wikimedia |
(This is a rough sketch of what was said over the course of an hour interview, the transcript of which will be available in a future book “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” book three.)
I asked for 3 people to come forward to help us. One was the father of someone I know, his son is a pal, and his father is on the flipside and has appeared in our class. So I said his name aloud. Then I asked for someone else who was in our class, who has appeared before, and who knew this fellow I was requesting. And the third person I asked for someone famous enough to impress this person – because he would be likely willing to speak to him, even though he doesn’t know us.
Jennifer named them each, one at a time. “So and so is here” – I said “Great, I asked for him.” Then the next person and the third person. (I’ll name them all in the book, but it doesn’t matter at this point. She got all three 100% correct.)
She couldn’t get the first name of this fellow, so I gave it to her. When I said his name “Paul” she said “I know who you’re talking about, but I don’t know his name; the microsoft guy?” “Yes” I said. (A note about our ability to confirm details – if you get a chance to view “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” I go over in detail how I am able to verify specific details. Often the people we interview are friends of friends, so I’m able to ask their family “who was with him or her when they died?” and other details that I’ve heard from Jennifer.)
I knew little to nothing outside of wikipedia about Paul Gardner Allen. (After the interview, I did research him, to verify some key details). What I don’t know about him could fill volumes.
I did know that he created a brain science institute in Seattle, and he owned two professional teams; the Trailblazers and the Seahawks. I knew that he donated 100 million to his brain science institute, because his mother Edna had Alzheimers. I knew that his autobiography mentioned how Bill Gates had stabbed him in the back when he had cancer – and had no clue if they ever made up or not.
Paul Allen patch via uniswag |
I asked “So who was there to greet you when you crossed over?” fully expecting it to be his dad Kenneth or his mom Edna. He said (through Jennifer) “I’m seeing a football player.” Startled (I thought owning the teams was a trifle, had no idea he was a football fanatic with his father until AFTER this session when I looked it up) I said “Is this a member of the Seahawks? Someone who died?”
She said “no.” But he’s “someone who was there to thank him.” She said “I think they met before, they may have been friends.” She said “He’s African American – but he’s Polynesian.” She said “I’m getting the number 5 – but also the number 2… that could be the number on his uniform, or it could be a date, like May 2nd.”
My brain scrambled for a moment, and then I said “Wait a second. Is this someone who suffered from that brain ailment who wants to thank him?” Jennifer tapped her nose like she does when I’ve said something right on the money.
I said “I know about the Chicago Bear Dave Duerson, he was the first football player who killed himself and then asked for his brain to be sent to be studied.” She said “I have the chills.” It was definitely related to him. I mentioned how Boston University, my alma mater was in the forefront of doing this kind of research, and was featured in the Will Smith film.
Dave Duerson NY Times foto |
Jennifer said that this player was there to thank him – that his contribution to brain injury was helping many lives. She said that “Paul really cared about him, or cared about his players and felt guilty about the sport causing them to be being injured.” She said “He even worked on designing a helmet to help.”
None of this information I’d heard before. I looked it up – and it’s accurate. There is a new helmet design from a company in Seattle that credits Paul’s influence, there is the problem of CTE that has been addressed by his group at the brain science institute.
It turns out that Junior Seau, the Polynesian African American killed himself the same way that Dave Duerson had a year after his death. (Junior died in 2012). He shot himself in the chest and they donated his brain to Boston University where they confirmed he had CTE (brain issues from so many helmet hits.) In fact over 95% of all football player brains examined have this same problem – this same issue. It also turns out that he did wear the #5 (55) and 5-2 is the exact date he died (May 2nd, 2012, he shot himself.)
Junior Seau. #55. Died on May 2nd 2012. |
I did not know this information during the session, but learned it later. I knew that Dave Duerson, of my beloved Chicago Bears had killed himself for science – but had no idea that Junior had the exact same problem. I brought the topic up again with Jennifer this week, asked if it was Junior Seau who stopped by and because I mentioned Dave Duerson, that’s why she got a confirmation? She said again “I’m getting the chills – which is the way I confirm things.”
So I said to Paul Allen “The kind of work that Jennifer and I are doing, interviewing people on the flipside in this manner, proving that consciousness still exists, and that we can gain new information using this method would be helpful to your brain science group. He said “Email them.” I said, “Why would they listen to me?” He said “Remind them that I told them to look into this, to look outside the box to find other fields to explore the answers.” He said when they hear me quote him saying this – it will take some time – but they will remember him telling them to do just that.
He said he knew he was going to die after the first bout with cancer. That he knew he wasn’t going to survive it, and was “good at lying” to everyone to tell them that he would, or that he was cancer free. But that’s why he was in such a hurry to do the kind of philanthropic work he was doing.”
I asked about Bill Gates, if Paul was possibly still upset over the slight mentioned in his autobiography. He said “Not in the least.” He offered that he “knew instantly, a recognition of what the work was going to be for us, when he first met him. He said “but there was competition there, and it came to head…” I think he’s telling me that it was over a girl.” She said.
Bill Gates: WikiMedia photo |
(I have no clue, haven’t read his or Bill’s books.) I asked if he had any advice for Bill; he said “Tell him to retire.” Jennifer said “I asked him if he wanted to say something like “you got this?” and he said; “No, he should quit. Tell him to not worry about the latest update.” (She said “whatever that means.”)
“He needs to have some fun” he told Jennifer. I asked about regrets and he said “No! I won. I died with the most toys.”
Photo from the “cult of Mac” website |
He told Jennifer the name of his yacht (the Octopus) correctly – she said “It’s a jellyfish… I’m seeing an octopus, but it can’t be as simple as that.” I said “Actually it is.”
The Octopus Yacht |
I asked who was with him when he crossed. He said that his last moments were spent with his sister (Jennifer asked if her name was “Tracey?” I said “Jody.” Again – I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone here – I’ve proven so many times that we have heard accurate and new information from the flipside, I try to be as accurate as I can when she hears something different. If that makes the reader feel that I led her, or gave her information she couldn’t have gotten from on her own – that’s fine. No need to read any more of this blog! These are not the droids you’re looking for.)
He said that she was with him when he crossed over (or that she had left the room briefly) but he sent her love, and that she should “trust and get everything checked out because she’s fine, she’s healthy but doesn’t believe it so she worries about it.” (I don’t know what that means, but I suspect she will.)
I asked what he was up to now. He said “learning to play the ukelele.” He said he was keeping an eye on all the things he cared about back here, but then he would play music with some of the people in class – namely Hendrix and Prince. Jennifer correctly reported that he had built an institute for Hendrix (the museum in Seattle) and that Jimi thanked him for it.
Easier to construct mentally. Photo Monoprice |
I asked why he wasn’t playing a guitar like the others. He said “It takes time to learn how to make that mental construct. There are just four strings and simple chords. It’s soft, elegant and easier to play.” He said he had already been playing with another member of the class – Mr. Ukelele himself George Harrison (who speaks to us in “Backstage Pass to the Flipside”).
Again – not trying to convince anyone of anything. Just reporting what I’m filming. He had a private message to a friend of mine that he knew, and I passed it along. Not here to sell anyone anything. If you get a message from a loved one, the best thing to do is pass it along – doesn’t mean they’re going to believe you, but at least you’ve done the thing they wanted.
If you combine it with all the other research I’ve done, the ten years of filming people under deep hypnosis, you’ll find these reports are in line with those. If you look at the research in “Flipside” “Its a Wonderful Afterlife” “Hacking the Afterlife” and “Backstage Pass” (links to the right of this page) you’ll come to the same conclusions.
NO ONE DIES. Their consciousness is accessible. Doesn’t matter if they’ve reincarnated since (and most take a break for awhile) their mind is always accessible. And they can answer complex questions about complex ideas – it’s just up to the person asking the question to know how to understand what they’re reporting. There’s no hierarchy back there – doesn’t matter if you’re famous, infamous or obscure. Everyone is equal in terms of their role in the universe.
Some more flipside notes:
Later that day I stopped by a Tibetan store. It’s a shop in Santa Monica which sells the Nechung Monk CD that I produced for Kutenla the Oracle of Tibet. (The Nechung Oracle) The CD is selling in the store. I never ask how the sales are going – I suspect whoever needs to find the CD will find it – in person, or online – but I spoke to the manager. He’s a devout Buddhist, and I always enjoy chatting with him. We talked a bit about Buddhist philosophy with regard to children remembering “past lives.”
Available at CD baby and Amazon |
I reminded him of how when our son had said “whever you hear a bell in Tibetan music, it means peace comes into the world.” When our son said that to me, I had no idea what bells meant in Tibetan music, and had asked this fellow. At the time he said “It means peace comes into the world.”
He asked about our son, who is now older and said “at the age of 8 their brains become polluted by grasping and desire, so their memories of a previous lifetime end.”
I said, “Well, science tells us that the skulls harden by age 8 – that until then they’re more pliable. So it may be that they have better access to information that may come to them in etheric form, before the filters and limiters are in place. As if it’s harder to get the frequency through.” We talked about meditation, and how meditating can help a person to open themselves up better to frequencies. He said he never saw anything during a meditation, but sometimes in dreams.
I asked him to describe; One is that he’s walking down a street in Katmandu about 100 years ago. He has no idea why he’s there, or who is around him, but they look like people from 100 years ago. But he can see a regular street scene with people out walking around – he has no idea what kind of clothing he’s wearing, but felt as if he was a man in that lifetime.
In the other dream he was “flying.” He said it was thrilling – he just “lifted off” when he wanted to. (From “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” – most folks we talk to tell us the most amazing thing about being on the flipside is “they can fly.”)
I asked about the visual, and he said “its recurring. I’m in a forest, which at the base of the trees is open and empty. And then I lift off and I go up through the canopy which is thick. And then I’m over the trees and I fly to a pond. When I look down, I see electrical wires, so I’m afraid of running into them, so I come down. But in the forest I feel calm, at ease, and unconditional love.” The other dream; “I’m in Nepal, near where the Buddha gave his lectures, and I am walking with others, but instead of following the crowd, I go up to the top of a mountain and look back over the clear parts of the forest where monasteries are.” He also described a profound sense of calm when looking down at these monasteries from above.
I pointed out that in many of the deep hypnosis cases I’ve filmed or researched, people talking about constructing a place of “healing” where the go to “pull their energy together” once they’ve crossed over. Sometimes it’s inside, sometimes it’s outside – but covered in trees or waterways. Often people can embrace the trees, or walk in the water – but always they experience that sense of calm, and a feeling of unconditonal love. He smiled. “Taishe delek!” I said and wandered down the block.
In India |
A few doors down, I stopped by a guitar store in Santa Monica and was playing some of their instruments and struck up a conversation with a worker there. I had the impression I should ask him the question “who was the most famous person that has come in here?” He said “Prince. He comes in all the time.” I asked if this worker, Mike had seen him there? He asked two other workers. They both said “No, but he comes in all the time.” I had to ask – “Fellas, why are you speaking in present tense?” None of them could answer that. I said “You mean he used to come in all the time?” Yes. He took over a particular room and the guy who carried his picks would purchase guitars for him.
TrueTone Guitars in Samo |
I thought that was pretty funny. Prince had a guy whose gig it was to carry his picks. Funny. This guy then took a phone call in the midst of my telling him how Prince showed up for “Hacking the Afterlife” and “Backstage Pass to the Flipside.” When he finished the call, he said “That’s funny. The guy on the phone came in today to sell me a guitar, a Hohner that Prince used to own.” He whipped out his cell phone and showed me a picture of him, Mike, holding the guitar “that morning.” Then he showed me a picture of Prince playing the same guitar.
What are the odds?
When you work with stories about the Flipside; pretty good odd something will come up that seems coincidentally, but feels like it’s more than that.