
At the end of January, Jennifer was able to let me know that my sister would not have a long life. She encouraged me (with some urgency) to embrace this relationship as much as possible. I was so grateful for the warning and advice as my sister, Jane died of a heart failure six weeks later. While this was not a total shock, I was not completely prepared either. Jennifer then guided me through the following week and communicated to my sister and wrote a beautiful poem that I incorporated into the eulogy. Jennifer told me that Jane stood by my side during her service and was very pleased at the outpouring of love and support at the service. My father was waiting for my sister to "escort" her through the white light.

While this is just one of many beautiful interactions with Jennifer, this is certainly the one that is the most compelling. Jen has been able to communicate with my father as she sensed an extreme sadness when we first met, shortly after my father passed away. She re-assured me of his support and pride, and described in great detail what he was wearing which was so amazingly accurate.

Tasha Powell
Puyricard, France / Manhattan Beach, CA

Tasha Powell    Puyricard, France / Manhattan Beach, CA   

Intuitive Investigations Development Class
I just spent the weekend with Jennifer Shaffer and her amazing staff learning how to develop  my intuition.  I was truly amazed at how much information I was able to receive just based on very little information like a picture or a name.  We worked in small groups which I really liked because it gave me a chance to see how other intuitives receive information.  By the end of the weekend, I had so more confidence in my intuitive abilities.  I’m looking forward to developing my intuition and having the chance to help victims and families with unsolved cases. 
Tracey P.

Tracey Peffer    Los Angeles, California   

Jennifer has a wonderful gift within her that she is willing to share. She was so easy to talk to and my sisters and I felt so welcome in her home! It was truly an amazing experience. One we will never forget!!

Thank you!!

Maria Gallego    Bakersfield   

The first time that I saw Jennifer was on the Ricki Lake show and as I watched her give readings I felt such a connection that after the show I searched for her website and found her. I had my first reading over a year ago and during that reading my grandson came through with a special message of love and hope for all of us that it brought tears to not only me but for Jennifer. When Jennifer meets with you, you can feel the love, gentleness and kindness that is so much a part of her and what she does. In her readings she shares with you the most intimate emotional parts of your life and she does this with such grace and makes you feel safe in her hands. In the past year I have been so fortunate as to have had three readings with Jennifer and it has helped me to grow, to be physically healthier, to learn to trust my intuition and to learn to accept the gifts that I have been given and how I can share them with others.

In my most recent reading, Jennifer helped me to understand why I had an enormous block every time I tried to write. She has given me much to think about and tips to move past this irrational fear that I had in this lifetime. Thank you for doing all of what you do and for sharing your gifts with all of us.

Donna Wood    Montreal, Canada   

First let me start by saying I like things that make sense; one plus one is two and that is fact. I like things that I can see feel touch and understand. Second let me explain that I am probably the last person to believe in anything or anyone that I cant quite understand and that to me requires proof, evidence or some sort of logistical explanation.
I met Jennifer though a very close friend and knew what she did for a living prior to meeting her. To continue on I didn't meet Jennifer for a reading and didn't necessarily expect to get one but I did.
Today at the age of 29 I can mention it but it took me years to ever even talk about it and to this day its something only those closest to me know has occurred but I never tend to detail it or express my feelings about it. When it comes to my family its definitely something I never mention or talk about I see it as a negative event that would make many sad and upset and find no need to have anyone relive those emotions including myself.
Meeting Jennifer has changed my perspective on a lot of things. I think from the moment I met her and knowing what she does internally I felt like I had a million questions. Since she is a medium naturally I thought about the one person that passed that left me perplexed confused and angry. So maybe I verbally and physically didn't ask out in the open but I can definitely say that she sensed this mass weighing over me, perhaps in some way masked by a smile. I listened let her talk didn't say much didn't know what to say. While she spoke the logical mathematical side of me looked to not intentionally but perhaps find sum inaccuracy in her reading, but what she revealed was almost too accurate it scared me.
In many ways she provided answers to questions I’ve had for years. In many ways it opened up a can of worms I had permanently sealed and had decided to throw away and never reopen. I want to start of by thanking Jennifer. How she does it and why she does it is beyond me, but I think we all need someone like her.
It wasn't until I met her that I ever even realized how much of it I still carried with me, and since feel like it has helped me understand even if its something I personally feel like at this time will never be ok with. She has given me insight that has made it easier even this many years later to understand. Carrying resentment anger and frustration is unhealthy, my coping was avoidance but facing the issue at hand is maybe just what I needed a long time ago. She provided me understanding that I will forever be grateful for; my only regret is not meeting her sooner. I can assure you if you meet her you will understand, and if you are little scared like I was I can definitely say one thing, she didn't make it scary even creepy or as I would describe "weird", she was very calming, understanding and in many ways normalized the entire thing for me.
Thank you Jennifer, you have helped me put this situation to rest.
Tanja Jovano

Tanja Jovano    New York, NY   

Jennifer astonishes me with her efficiency, precision and speed. She has more than once picked up on a physical complaint without my bringing it up. I trust her implicitly and recommend her without reservation.

Kathy Biehl    USA   

I'm still blown away by her accuracy and information. Jennifer is linked into the other side immediately and brings back very detailed information. She's got such good energy and heart you feel as soon as you connect. I got so much healing from this reading on issues i've been struggling with for years. I can't thank Jennifer enough for the time and energy she put into reading me! Jennifer was able to validate and help me confirm my own intuition on things. I learned so much! Thank you,
Jessica Potter

Jessica Potter    North Carolina, USA   

I had an inspiring reading with Jennifer this morning. She was accurate about specific details (how & when my relative passed away, info about other relatives, # of pets etc) and was able to present information clearly & with compassion. She is the 2nd person I've had a reading with - and while the other reader was nice, Jennifer was able to interpret & convey messages MUCH more clearly. We covered a lot of ground, but I never felt rushed and genuinely felt she wanted to give me value.
Arun Singh

Arun Singh    San Francisco, California   

I was blessed with a beautiful phone reading with Jennifer. Many gifts came the day after for me. My day began with a special song in the morning, followed by an email from a friend inviting me to Oahu, where Elvis and crew filmed "Blue Hawaii", my most favorite movie! I adored him since I was a little girl. So... I am going to Hawaii. My trip with Elvis. Can you believe it? Thanks love - for helping me to see clearly so very many things my dear Jennifer!! You saw Elvis and a trip!! xo
Denise Willis

Denise Willis    San Francisco California   

Jennifer is an angel. She is genuinely compassionate and kind. She was able to connect with my Son and to answer all critical questions. She gave much evidence that it was indeed my Son with information that only he and I would know. She is the real deal. I will recommend her without hesitation.

Kathleen    Florida   

Just wanted to thank Jennifer for her reading and coming into our lives. I was having a business issue that also involved family. Everything she said rang true, she was amazingly accurate but it is more than that. She knew just want to say to spark amazing insights for me. With just a simple question "If there was no family relation there would you be friends?" No I would not. Once I realized that it allowed me to see the gift and purpose for this family. The love and compassion that I feel towards a person I would not have gotten to know had it not been a family member. It's an invaluable lesson in unconditional love. Since this reading I've had a big significant shift and I'm so grateful to Jennifer for being the light that allowed me to see that! She has truly been a great healing force in my life and everyone I've recommended her to. She is a gifted psychic, healer just an angel! Thank you Jennifer

Billie    Florida   

Intuitive Investigations Development Class
This was my first time at an “intuitive training course” and I could not be more satisfied with the outcome. This course was just the beginning to the realization of being able to open my mind to my abilities as an intuitive as well as the aspiration of furthering my training in this field. Jennifer created the perfect environment to feel safe as I explored my mind’s ability to escape and tap into the “matrix” and God given talent. She guides you as you tap into your inner thoughts and teaches you that there is no wrong answer and we all have something to give. I am so impressed with Jennifer’s ability to pick up on messages and feelings of others and her extremely warm and friendly spirit. She is an absolute expert in her field and it’s an honor and privilege to learn from her. I’m so excited and inspired to learn from her and the field of intuitive investigative work.

Danielle Achrol

Danielle Achrol    Rancho Palos Verdes, California   

I felt very much at peace with Jennifer and her inquisitive and instinctive knowledge of my situation. She was extremely generous and made me feel at peace. She was very kind and spoke with such compassion. I highly recommend her to anyone going through a difficult time. Much love and light!

Tal K.    Los Angeles, CA   

I met Jennifer through a mutual friend. That same week I was preparing to attend a funeral of my closest friend who tragically passed away. I was very distraught regarding the circumstances of her passing and had many questions or conversations i wanted with her but was too late. Jennifer said that it is no coincidence that she came to visit with me that day. Jennifer said she had to come and that my dear friend was present. Jenn wanted me to just ask a question to my friend, so I asked every thing I could think of. To my surprise, Jennifer wrote down three pages of detailed answers and conversations that only I would know about. I was taken aback by what Jennifer could channel through. I was so sad but yet so elated that I can communicate with my friend and that she was in a good and happy place. Jennifer helped me tremendously with my grieving process. Knowing that my loved one is okay and that she is always around me provided me with so much comfort. Jennifer is an amazing loving, kind, compassionate, and genuine person who is gifted beyond belief. Her talents are so extraordinary, I once was a skeptic regarding "mystical/psychic" phenomenon, but now I consider that those that have this "fantastic " talent are highly gifted individuals that have a unique capacity to provide comfort and assurance to those in greatest need. Jennifer on many different occasions has shared many other details that have already been validated in my life as well as dreams that at times are confusing to understand. I am blessed and thankful to have met Jennifer and that she is a part of my life. She will truly be a blessing to anyone she meets. Margie F.

Margie Fox    Los Angeles   

Who knew this blonde California girl that I hung out with in my late 20’s would magically come back in my life just when I needed her most. Three hours after my father passed I received a call from Jennifer. She shared messages from my dad with information that she had no way of knowing, along with providing an incredible sense of peace and comfort for me during this highly emotional time.

Our long talk eased the extreme pain I felt and no doubt, saved me years of grieving. After our talk, I switched from a non-believer to a mediumship believer and admire Jennifer’s intuitive guidance delivered with such a gentle demeanor. Thank you Jennifer!

Kathy Bass    Scottsdale Arizona   

I am truly blessed to have A wonderful woman like Jennifer in my life. She has been my rock of all rocks! Her accuracy and detailed descriptions of people ...situations and feelings are so accurate, it doesn't get better than this! Jennifer picks up on events so easily it's almost like she's living your life! I trust her from my heart that's why I keep coming back. Jennifer has a heart of gold a beautiful soul and she is the most accurate psychic I have ever encountered. I will never forget the first time I ever spoke to Jennifer about a big life decision of moving....she Said I don't see you moving countries ..I feel you will be staying where you are but I was so convinced on moving...what do you know, a year and a half later I'm still here your so right!! Thank you for everything...your dedication your love and your honesty! P.s. Thank you for the beautiful messages you receive from my dad! It melts my heart. Love Fatima

Fatima    South Korea   

I was in need of some reassurance after having had a reading with a psychic who probably shouldn't be giving readings. I found Jennifer on the internet and to my relief she had reassurance to give and much more. Her compassionate guidance lifted the fear from my heart and gave me the confidence I needed to move forward. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your gift.

Shelley Wilson    San Fernando Valley California   

Intuitive Investigations Development Class
Let me say this, Jennifer is the real deal. Get ready for goosebumps!! She brings passion, comfort, and laughter along with her amazing gift. She is pure joy. She is pure love. Thank God there are people like her in the world.

Kat Tillinghast. M.S. E-RRYT 800 Yoga Therapist

Kat Tillinghast    Newport Beach, California   

Jennifer is so kind, genuine and caring. I wish she was my best friend or neighbor, she is so easy to talk too. When I first spoke with Jennifer I didn't tell her any details except I wanted to look at relationships in 2014. She immediatly picked up on my ex and was spot on with her description. Her reading was extremly positive, because my walls are up from the hurt we put each other through I was hesitant to believe Jennifer's positive predictions. I was out of the country at the time we spoke so Jennifer suggested we speak when I return. As promised she fit me into her busy schedule, she got the same message, it's not over. I was exhausted, getting sick and I was in my typical hyper critical of myself place. We ended our second call and as always I review my notes. Jennifer told me to give it a couple days because he is going to be in a vulnerable place. Exactly 48hrs later he sent me a text. The situation that led him to text me is nothing short of super natural. The things that had to all fall in to place to prompt him is definatly my angels looking out for me. Jennifer speaking to my angel really moved things along in my opinion. Also in my opinion don't look any further than Jennifer, she is the best. I am so sorry I was hesitant to believe you but I was so afraid to get hopeful. I also believe Jennifer is 100% ethical and will not just tell you what you want to hear. She will tell you the truth. I look forward to talking to Jennifer again soon.

Kim, CT

Kim    Connecticut   

From My Father's Perspective
"Casting out Evil Spirits and Healing the Sick"

Last year when Jennifer officially came out her broom closet, I as her father, was upset and one of her strongest critics. As caring parents, we raised our children in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My initial thoughts and feelings were that Jennifer was delusional, or even worse, manipulated by powers not of God. Jennifer knew that even though I was skeptical, I have an unconditional love for her. To Jennifer's credit, she was comical, patient and loving in her response to my indifference.

In the last few months Jennifer related, what she could ethically, some cases she was working on with various law enforcement agencies. My skepticism eroded as I heard how her spiritual gifts solved crimes. Cases that were closed, were reopened, with the information that she gave them. Parents and love ones saw some closure and justice to their pain. I too had to acknowledge that her spiritual gifts must be legitimate and real.

In the last few weeks, I still had a real conflict in my understanding and beliefs about these spiritual gifts. Do these gifts come from Heaven or Hell? Last week I was asked to substitute teach a Seminary Bible class. The chapters were 9 and 10 of Luke. The Gospel principles that were to be focused on are "tolerance and Christ's love for all of God's children". Samaritans were a mixed blood of Jew and gentile and viewed inferior and bitter opponents of the Jews. Christ called and ordained 12 prophets and apostles with the holy priesthood and gave them the charge to teach and baptize. In Luke 9:1,2 we read that our Savior sent them out to also cast out devils and heal the sick (which are gifts of the spirit). In verses 49-56 Christ commands the prophets and apostles to teach the gospel to the Samaritans (a lesson on tolerance and God's love even to our enemies). What I learned about gifts of the spirit was, that Christ was O.K. that a Samaritan who didn't have the holy priesthood, but was pure of heart and exercised pure faith cast out devils in Christ's name. Read verse 50, "……for he that is not against us is for us." But Christ was not alright with the evil, designing priests when they cast out devils and healed the sick in His name. Read Matthew 7:21-23, "……depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

I now believe that Jennifer's gift for healing those seeking closure to horrific crimes and helping to identify evil spirits is real. She is not clergy, she doesn't represent a church but she uses this gift with the purest of motives to help others find peace. I believe that her gifts will be recognized on earth, and like the "Good Samaritan," in heaven!

Jennifer's father, James H. Medlyn

My Daddy James    California   

Jennifer is pure light from the moment you meet her. She exudes warmth and kindness from the first word she speaks. When you look into her beautiful, crystal clear eyes, you understand why she is the being that will bring you insight beyond anything you thought possible. She will guide you to a place in your life that you never understood existed, yet you are eager to experience. She will help you answer the questions we all carry with us each day. These are just some of the emotions and experiences I had after meeting with Jennifer. My life is more important, and my emotions make more sense. I have more purpose, and I am less dismissive of my inner thoughts and fears. I am a stronger woman because of Jennifer. Her knowledge of the 'seen' and 'unseen' world around me has allowed me the confidence to make decisions that have impacted my life, and the life of my family, in a healing way. ~Julie

Julie Greenwald    Los Angeles   

Jennifer, it was truly a pleasure meeting you a few weeks ago. Thank you for making me feel so at ease. I am so thankful for the time you spent with me. You are a gracious beautiful woman. You are incredibly accurate, and I so appreciate your helping me clarify the confusion I currently face in my life. I feel, for now, I am on the right path, thanks to you. I am truly blessed to have met you and will continue to seek your guidance, by phone for now, but I look forward to visiting with you when I return in January. Love, Kathi

Kathi    Virginia   

It was such a pleasure meeting Jennifer and her daughter. Jennifer was a blessing to me, I appreciate her gift and I thank her for every word she spoke to me. She is real and very accurate. I'm greatful for our divine encounter, God continue blessings....

Adelaide Avila    Los Angeles, CA   

I first met Jennifer Shaffer six weeks after my husband died in a tragic accident. Our meeting was not planned; however, a mutual friend thought a few moments with Jennifer was just what I needed to begin my healing process. Those few moments profoundly impacted me and have changed my life.

For six weeks, whenever I closed my eyes to sleep I would have the same vision of the accident as if I were a passenger in the car. I saw the accident as it was described in the police report- two weeks prior to actually reading the report. While the police could only list details of what they believed to have happened to the vehicle (there were no witnesses), I could "see" what went on inside the car, and hence the actual cause of the accident. I didn't tell anyone about my dreams for fear of being labeled a crazy or depressed widow.

During that first meeting with Jennifer, spirits showed her that same vision I had experienced every night for the past six weeks. She said they were trying to bring me peace and understanding of what actually happened. There was no need to wonder any longer. Once I accepted this gift of understanding, the visions ceased and I was finally able to sleep again.

Not only do I now have a better understanding of the accident that took my husband's life, I'm also at peace knowing his spirit, and the spirit of other loved ones who have passed, is still with me and my children, guiding us on this difficult journey.

I continue to see Jennifer every few months. Each time I gain more insight into the information mentioned during my first reading, as well as obtain helpful guidance concerning my future. I've learned to recognize and follow my own intuition, which was always within me. In her own way, Jennifer not only helped me fall asleep, but also wake up.


Michelle    Los Angeles   

My readings with Jennifer have all been amazing. Her validations of communication with spirit she receives are so accurate: my boss, she validated his message by mentioning "post-it" notes; my ex-husband, she validated his message by the number 14 (his birth date); she asked about a Tupac reference, unbeknownst to me, my Son-in- law was planning to dress up as Tupac for a party. She is such a kind, sweet soul, who leaves me with peace and comfort knowing my loved ones (passed) are content.
by Darcy Kennedy

Darcy Kennedy    California   

Jennifer it was so wonderful meeting you today. I just feel so thankful for absolutely everything. I'm not a skeptic of the gift, but I'm a skeptic of people and you won me over by tuning in to me so well. You were incredibly accurate and I felt someone finally understood! I am so excited for some big changes I hope will come up now that I have some clarity on what has been going on for so many years. It was an absolute treat hearing from my great grandfather as well! What a gift! Thank you so much for taking the time with me and being so thorough- it truly meant so much! Can't wait to speak with you again.... Love, Monica

Monica S.    California   

Dear Jennifer,
I want to take a moment to thank you for your work with me today. I felt immediately at ease and the guidance you shared was relevant and incredibly helpful at this juncture. My heart has relaxed and opened, and I have renewed strength and hope in this journey. Your gifts are remarkable..thank you for sharing them with us all. I look forward to connecting again soon.

Christine    Montreal, Canada   

I just recently had a reading with Jennifer. It was absolutely AMAZING!! Jennifer was amazingly 100% accurate and she has a beautiful heart. I was so impressed with her, I convinced two friends of mine to have a reading from her. And I will get another session in near future. She's definitely the BEST! Thank you so much Jennifer.

Serenite Sao    San Diego, California   

Speaking with Jennifer was truly amazing! I was in an auto accident when I was in high school and had a spiritual experience.....I had always wondered about not only my experience in the hospital but what the doctors had actually experienced as well for they did not share the details with my parents at the time but just said..."Heather had a spiritual experience in the operating room". Jennifer provided not only clarity but also comforting information that I will take with me for the rest of my life! Jennifer is truly a gifted soul and we are certainly fortunate to have her share her gifts with us.....and for the highest good!! Thank you Jennifer! In love & light, Heather.

Heather    Louisiana   

Just a quick update for you Jennifer. When I saw you last, at the event in Orlando, you told me my friend was pregnant...with twins! She had been trying for years. My friend did not know she had twins as she had just gotten pregnant. A month later my friend excitedly let me know she was indeed having twins. You also told me they would be fighting to survive. At the time it kind of worried me but that also was true. The twins were born prematurely at 25 weeks. So indeed, they have fought to stay alive born so young. But I'm happy to report that they are doing very well and are about to go home with their parents. It is a true blessing.

Laura Phillips    Houston, Texas   

It is very easy to see why Jennifer was named Shay Parkers 2014 Psychic of the year! I was fortunate enough to be "guided" to Jennifer's website. When I say guided; I mean sent there by my daughter that passed over after a car accident last April. Since my first reading with Jennifer - I knew instantly that she and my daughter had a solid connection together. The messages are incredible and I highly recommend Jennifer - she is the best of the best and I can't wait until my next session with her!
Jeff Hayes

Jeff Hayes    Kansas, MO   

My heart exploded as immediately Jennifer identified a broken elbow, neck, and thyroid issues w NO hints from me. She NAMED my Grandmother Lillian and knew about my locket necklace with her picture in it--then giving me a most LOVING message only my grandmother could have known to give. She knew the month of my divorce, the lesson associated with it. Knew the book on my bookshelf and the message from it for me to assimilate. She IS Love magic --wrapped me in comfort and knowing! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Natalie Harris    United States   

Jennifer was amazing, she really helped me feel at peace with my son's suicide and to help me with some of the why's. I felt so much better after speaking with Jennifer, she was so easy to talk to and I could talk to her and say things to her that I have been unable to talk to others about. Knowing that my other son is leaving for the military she gave me a peace of mind that my mom and dad are looking over him to help keep him safe, which is one of my biggest fears.
Thank you so much Jennifer, I can't tell you how much better I feel after speaking with you and I have highly recommended you to many of my friends.

Jean Waugaman    Waynesville, MO   

Conversation and an understanding from my mother~

Jennifer you declared that you were a "psychic medium," in front of Millions of people on Rikki Lake's Show today...Seriously... What were you thinking???? "Mom, it is what I am called in this day and age ...I know I have never used the term with you, but it is what I am, and that will make the rest of the world know what I'm doing. I'm trying to help people know their loved ones on the other side of the veil are spirits and that I see them and hear them. They tell me what they want them to know, if nothing else, that life doesn't end at death. I've helped so many people have closure with their loved ones that have passed away. I have to continue doing this. I have even helped the police in cases that they couldn't solve. "

I now know that my daughter really does have a gift. It helps other people have closure with their loved ones and the law finds those that need to be brought to justice. She has given the clues, evidence, and where to find this evidence, for several murder cases. I am amazed at what my little girl has accomplished by finally accepting the gift that she has and developing it to help others. I was skeptical at first...seriously... I was. Who wouldn't be...you see what???...you listen to who???... By religion, of which I am a Christian, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or as some like to call us Mormons. Does this gift really exist...Is it really possible???...oh did I have questions???...as Jennifer went on to tell me some of the things she had done and was doing, I couldn't help but believe that she truly does have a gift given to her by her Heavenly Father. She is doing good works..."and by their fruits ye shall know them." She has been certified by her colleagues, and her mentor the famous Lisa ... I would have never thought this could happen to her or to our family. I have children that are teachers, of dance, math, and preschool. Adding a psychic medium definitely is a new twist for us but I know that she can help others, and isn't that what life is all about, Serving Others. Love you Jennifer

~Linda Medlyn Jennifer's Mother

From the Heart of My Mother who I Love    California   

I am proud to recommend Jennifer Shaffer as a Professional Psychic Medium, Profiler, Healer, Seer, Radio Host, and so much more. Jennifer has been on my directory, Best American Psychics for over 2 years, and her stellar reputation is never challenged. Jennifer is a natural leader, driven not by ego, but by her incredibly giving heart and a true commitment to helping others in need.

It goes without saying that Jennifer is an extraordinarily gifted Psychic Medium, but her gifts do not stop there. As a colleague, Jennifer is supportive, giving, professional, ethical, and incredibly generous with her time. Her passion is doing pro-bono work with law enforcement officials to help on missing person's cases.

Although some of the work she does requires her to enter some very dark areas of humanity (kidnap, murder, etc), Jennifer's light never diminishes.

In every day life, Jennifer is a wife, mother, peer, and friend. She helps others regularly with detailed, evidential psychic readings, covering everything from love and relationships to career, life decisions, and more.

Jennifer was our Psychic of the Year for 2014 and is the Social Activism Award Winner for 2015 due to her outstanding service to clients across the globe.

Simply put, you cannot go wrong with Jennifer Shaffer!
Shay Parker
Metaphysical/Spiritual Entrepreneur/ Shay works directly with Jennifer at Best American Psychics

Shay Parker    Asheville, NC   

I met Jennifer in New York at my bar. It was a chance meeting, Jennifer came in for dinner and we just started talking. She asked me if she could touch me because she was getting information about my daughter and she didn't want to invade my space. Hesitant, I said yes. She started to tell me my daughter needs to see a doctor. She saw a breathing problem that was related to the heart or lungs issue. I'm Irish male so you now what that means? not a believer in things I can't see hear or check up on.

I took what she said with a grain of salt but it did way heavy on my mind, because she was spot on about other things she said, even though I showed no reaction. A couple days later I contacted my ex, I told her about what Jennifer said about Jackie my 11 year old daughter. I told her Jennifer saw Jackie having problems breathing and told her lets take her to the doctor to be safe. The doctor told us Jackie has an undeveloped lung that she was born with. Well, I was quit taken back and according to the doctor we got Jackie to him just in time before her lung cause her serious issues.

From this experience I am now a believer in the unknown. I feel blessed for that chance encounter at my bar that day, It saved my darling Jackie and enlightened me in a way I never would have believed.

My dear Jennifer I am forever in you debt.

Patrick Heraty,

Patrick Heraty    New York, NY   

Jennifer is the REAL DEAL.She is a true natural, which this is the greatest gift any Soul could give to this world, to bring forth an expression of the natural way one is designed by God. She has courageously aligned with her highest calling and she has done so with humility, joy and grace.As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I can confirm that Jennifer has the rare and specific signatures in her birth chart that reflect her stunning capacity and she is truly answering the call.

The channel she provides brought comfort, peace and powerful validating confirmation in our session together. I was amazed and I recommend her wholeheartedly.

I celebrate you Jennifer and I am in awe of the LIGHT you shine for others on the path of pain, a place on the path that we all must face when we lose someone we dearly love.

Kristin Fontana
Evolutionary Astrologer

Kristin Fontana    Ashland, Oregon   

WOW. I met with Jennifer on Aug. 7th, 2016. I was so nervous. I had gotten myself all worked-up the prior week thinking I hope I'm not disappointed. I can best describe her as AMAZING & AWESOME. First off, she made me feel very comfortable right up front. The first spirit to come through was my dad. He kept saying "my ring". Jennifer asked me if by any chance I was wearing my dad's ring. I was wearing his wedding band. That just blew me away. My mom had given it to me after he passed. Then my mom came through. What a wonderful experience to hear what she had to say. Then my husband, Marvin, came through. He also was talking about a ring. Jennifer asked me whether I was wearing his ring. I was in fact wearing his ring on the same finger that I was wearing my dad's ring. I was moved to tears a number of times during my time with him. Through Jennifer I was able to finally find peace and comfort. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart. I will definitely schedule another reading with her. She is a beautiful and caring angel.

Jerry    Winnetka, CA   

If you look up "difficult" in the dictionary, you will find the definition to be a single word; change.

Change is hard to deal with. It can be both good and bad. But you have to know one from the other. Don't let people change you, or judge you. Challenge yourself by doing something you've never done before, change and push your strengths to the limits and beyond. Be adventurous.

Jennifer Shaffer is a person who has had to go through a tidal wave of change. She has had to look deeper inside herself and find out who she really was. She had to change how she thought about herself. Accepting a whole new person is extremely difficult, and she plunged through it like anchor sinking to the bottom of the sea.

This wonder woman thought that everyone saw faces at night, could see spirits, and talk to the deceased, (because that's just so normal, right?). She didn't know she was special. She truly has a gift. Mrs. Shaffer never knew as a young girl that she would change lives forever, by talking to those who had lost theirs.

I haven't known Jennifer for an eternity like I have known my best friend, but that doesn't matter. People work their way into our lives for a reason as a form of strength and support. Shortly after my dad lost his life, my mom told me she had met a lady named Jennifer. She didn't tell me the woman was a psychic! That's something people need to find out for themselves.

My mom wanted to hear my dad's thoughts again. She wanted to find closure that he was okay. But more than anything, she wanted to know if there was an afterlife. It's a hard thing to have some body that you have seen every day of your life, be ripped from your hands like a piece of paper in the wind. Jennifer found her way into my mom's life as an angel, sent from my dad. She proved to my mom that there was life after death.

Jennifer has made an enormous difference in MY life. I don't think anyone knows how much she means to me. She has proved that every little thing is connected, and that not everything happens for a reason, but good can in fact, come from bad. It's like the question we studied at the beginning of the year; "How am I affected by the world around me?" The universe is like a spark in the woods. All it takes is one, small flame to start a forest fire.

My dad knew he wasn't going to live a long life. When my mom and him first met he said "Are you SURE you want to get involved with me, I am going to die young. I may not be there to support you one day." Regardless of what he told her, and with no hesitation, she said yes. So he made every second of his everyday count. I think the feeling of having a short life terrified him. But he never once showed it. I never even knew that he felt that way.

On his 41st birthday, his very last birthday, he said to his brother "I am going to die soon. I know it." My uncle didn't really believe him, but that didn't change the way he felt. I didn't know about this conversation until 3 months ago. That's when I told my mom that we had to move to California.

I learned from my dad's conversation with his brother that you need to trust any feeling or instinct that you have. You must me open to change to open doors that are often full of wonderful possibilities.

I've always had a feeling that Cali was where I was supposed to be. My mind has always been in Texas but my heart has been there. It's like I lived and grew up there in another life. My dream was to grow up in California, by the beach. Then I started thinking, "Why can't dreams come true?" You're only a kid one time, ONE childhood. Make it last, you never know how much you have until you don't have it.

My mom and brother love California too, and my mom was already debating about asking us if we wanted to move out there. When I step onto that plane to my dreams I won't be leaving behind anyone. I may be leaving Texas, but I will never leave the Texans.

In this moment, I knew I had begun my journey. The possibility of it being good is as high as a clap of thunder after lightening. I could feel my soul embarking on an amazing adventure.

Not all good outcomes are planned out years and months ahead. Some decisions are made on a whim, and they can turn out just as well. But to have a good outcome, you must change the things that are bad. You must be adventurous, maybe even dangerous. You have to accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you cannot accept.


A Beautiful 12yr old that has stolen my heart..... Thank you EE Luv Jennifer    Los Angeles   

Jennifer is angel sent down to help everyone. I thought that the moment I heard about her and I knew that the moment I met her. I found Jennifer through an amazing set of circumstances that could only lead me to believe we were meant to cross paths. I came to see Jennifer to help me further understand a medical issue I am experiencing. Jennifer was spot on with the information she was receiving from spirit regarding my situation. She helped me find a direction for my healing and instill in me a confidence to move forward toward complete and total wellness. She is an incredibly gifted, loving being and I so happy to have spent time with her.

G.A.    Los Angeles   

I was so nervous to meet with Jennifer. My daughter of 22 years was found dead on 11/20/17 by her boyfriend. There where red flags everywhere. I needed answers & guidance. After meeting with Jennifer I was able to obtain some Information to peruse her investigation. She is so amazing, patient & passionate about what she does. Thank you Jennifer for your time & support. One sweet day. Monica Perez
posted on June 18, 2018 by Monica Perez

Monica Perez    California   

Jennifer is an amazing person, and a GIFTED reader. She can see clearly into you, your question, and the multiple/probable outcomes. It is rare to find someone who is so tuned in and able to translate in a way that the querent can hear. In my opinion that is the most important part: understanding the message. Jennifer is, quite honestly, the best! Whenever I am in need of guidance, I trust her to be my translator of spirit! I highly recommend her, and am glad to have met her in this lifetime!

Giana Cicchelli    Reseda, CA   

First let me say that I have had many psychic reading, but Ive never felt such a connection as I did with Jennifer. She validated every subject we spoke about and her accuracy makes you feel as youre speaking to a friend you have had for a lifetime who knows all about your joys and heartaches. Her kindness is so pure it made me feel immediatly comforted and cared for so that when we were done with our reading, my heart felt lighter. Her connection with the spirit world translated a message from my grandmother than I had needed for almost 6 years. I felt so much peace afterwards. I trust Jennifer and will now be my go to gal for guidance.

Lanie    Florida   

Wow. Jennifer has an incredibly healing presence about her and helped answered many unanswered questions in my life. She solidified some of my career aspirations and goals and really knows her stuff. I got off the phone feeling lighter, healed, fulfilled and content. Thank you for your gift, Jennifer

TP    Australia   

I originally had a reading with Jennifer at the beginning of 2013 and felt an instant connection. I've had many readings in my lifetime, but Jennifer is the first person I felt was so real, comforting and just plain loving. Unlike others I've had experiences with, Jennifer comes from the purest place. There is no ego and that's what's so special and different about readings with her. Recently I'd translated a reading from my cousin in Spain while I was visiting this summer. Since then (and since I've been back in the States), I've done readings for friends of hers. Jennifer is an extremely talented translator of spirit, but inevitably I was still blown away at the ACCURACY with which she read these people I do not know (based on their feedback), where I was not able to validate anything during the reading...again, because I do not know them! We're talking her going off a name (and in one instance, only the first name). Her talent never ceases to amaze me, and her heart just makes each interaction with her that much more special...and she's very funny too! I feel blessed to have found her.

Marcella Cardinal    Florida   

I have spoken to Jennifer several times over the last year. She is amazing! Not only can I say she is accurate, but she has the best heart. There was something that was going on and I wasn't sure of the outcome or when I may hear from the company. She not only predicted that the outcome would be positive, but the exact date I would hear back. All of which were correct. She never waivers in her predictions with regard to my relationship for the future. LOVE HER!
Erica Greene

Erica Greene    North Carolina, USA   

I have got many readings done before from others and I recently got a reading from Jennifer. She was very accurate and was very friendly. Everything she described about my brother who passed away two years ago was just the way he looked. I definitely would come back to Jennifer for more readings in the future.
Stephanie Mai

Stephanie Mai    California   

Jennifer helped me to clear a personal block and get my light shining a bit brighter. Our communication was comforting, openly flowing and yet purposefully guided. Because of Jennifer I have come to see something within myself that, before, I 'd only imagined. Quite a gift for me. Thank you.

Myke Zykoff    Los Angeles   

I've been working with Jennifer for three years now. We get together often, and I film her chatting with friends of mine no longer on the planet. ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside; Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer." I know how spot on she can be, and in our two books (and "Hacking the Afterlife") I include some of the more amazing times she's reported "new information" about someone on the flipside that I did not know, could not have known, but later it turns out to be forensically accurate. I also happen to know some of the cases she's worked on, including with the former head of the LAPD, where she was able to solve missing person cases. She does that work pro bono - helping parents who've lost a child and are trying to track them down. I'm also aware of the architecture of the flipside, and why sometimes mediums don't get the answers accurately (there may be more at stake) or why they misinterpret the image that they see. I was with her last thursday, when a waitress stopped by the table to thank her for doing a reading, and wanted to say "You remember when you told me that I was moving to Colorado?" Jennifer shrugged as she doesn't remember anything during her sessions (and why I film them) and the waitress said "I told you that I've never been, and that I wasn't going, but my boyfriend just called to say that he accepted a job there, and we're moving there in a few weeks. So thank you." Sometimes what she says about someone turns out to be accurate later on. Either way, this kind of "exploration" into the idea that "life goes on" is not for everyone, nor should it be. Not everyone "signs up to learn how the play ends." We are here for a reason, and some of us need to be fully invested in that reason. However, in the case of Jennifer, I can report that we've been at this together for three years now, and the times when she's been accurate with friends or acquaintances who've checked out, but she reports details that only their families or close associates would know, or that we learn "new information" is kind of astounding. For example, when my friend Harry Dean Stanton died, he showed up in our meeting and told me the circumstances of his passing, who was in the room with him at the time, and what he wanted to tell his friends at the memorial service. I told him I'd pass his messages along, and they were spot on - with details only his close associates would know (that I did not know until I went to the memorial service a week later and heard all the confirmations of detail - who was with him when he died, and me telling his friends his private messages to them about their health and journey.) I asked Harry Dean if he had any message he wanted me to pass along, and it was "tell people to believe in the possibility of the afterlife, then they won't waste their time like I did arguing about it." (Which he did, often.) Jennifer is the real deal, and I have it on film to prove it.

Rich Martini    Santa Monica, California   

Hi Jennifer!
It was so nice to meet you yesterday!!
Thank you for reconnecting me with my sweet grandparents. You not only made my day, but also changed how I see myself every day from now on... I think my life changed yesterday. I'm so happy in a different way then I have felt in a long time. It feels amazing to know that they still love me and that I'm not alone.
You have a gift and I thank you for sharing it with me.
I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon!


I initially met Jennifer through a close friend. I was in the process of writing some medi-physical TV shows and a mutual friend felt we should meet. At this point I really wasn’t looking to interview anyone for any writing interests but decided to meet with Jennifer on a friend level, and WOW was I glad I did, she instantly mesmerized me.
She asked permission to touch me and then all hell broke loose. She started to tell me about health issues, career, love and suggestions to better help me in life in general. Jennifer is no wallflower; she is beautiful, dynamic, warm and so very gifted. The more I get to know her that more I love her and all the things she does for other is quite remarkable. I came to know that in addition to all the public things she keeps her self busy with she also helps families of missing children and those who have lost love ones to war. If I had to choose one word to sum her up it would simply be ” AMAZING”. Through my professional experience I have come across a few people that have really touched me, and she has definitely been one of them. A reading with Jennifer will be one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself.
I’m impressed and thankful to have met Jennifer.
Alicia Bowling

Alicia Bowling    New York, NY   

From the first moments I spent with Jennifer, I felt as if I had known her forever. There was such a calm and endearing presence with Jennifer, that I immediately felt at ease with her. During my time with Jennifer, her connection with 'Spirit' and my own Soul was easy to see and even stronger to feel. Jennifer has the heart of an Angel and carries within her, great Wisdom of the Ages.. During my whole time with Jennifer, I felt as if I was carried and lifted up to a new way of looking at things. Thank you precious Jennifer for your love, wisdom and sincerity of heart.

Oceans of Love, Karen

Karen    California   

We met Jennifer 3 months after our daughter was murdered. Jennifer has given us information about details that have turned out to be 100% correct and has given us the courage and strength to move forward with the push to have our daughter Morgan's case opened. We want justice for Morgan and Jennifer has been there for us the whole way. We love Jennifer - we feel she is so connected to us that she is now family. If the world had more Jennifers ~ evil would have a very hard time existing in this world.

Toni & Steve Ingram    Colorado   

Jennifer- you are an amazing and gifted soul- my reading with you last night blew me out of the water, you described every thing and every one around me to a "T"- I hung up with you and felt such peach and love- Thank you again for such an amazing reading

Maria    New Jersey   

I had an amazing experience with Jennifer. I had my first reading a few weeks ago, and without giving any upfront information, she was very accurate with details. She has a beautiful energy, and I felt a true connection. She has such a strong sense of character. Her integrity means the world to me and she is a genuinely beautiful human being. Thank you for putting my mind at ease, for I have been overwhelmed lately with worry. I felt such a sense of inner peace after we hung up. Thank you for bringing clarity, peace and hope for the future, at a time when I needed it most. Best Wishes Always,

Kathi    Virginia   

Jennifer has been helping me this year. Her accuracy is astounding! I love her personality and she helps me find humor in a life experience that is not at all humorous. Thanks Jen!


I lost the love of my life - the first thing you mentioned was the necklace - yes I am wearing the first necklace he ever gave me - but when you said do I have a blanket that was his by me - yes I was covered in his JETS blanket during the reading! There were numerous other validations too many to mention and so personal no way anyone could know. Thank you Jennifer for saying yes on short notice when you didn't even know me. What you did know was I really needed the messages you delivered to me.
Arlene Fallon

Arlene Fallon    San Francisco California   

I have to say the suffering, depression and grief that has been placed on my family since the passing of our beloved Mother has been more than my sisters and I could bare. We had tried one other medium and were sadly disappointed and did not get questions answered nor did we feel like was she was saying was truth. I received a referral to Jennifer from a neighborhood friend and I reluctantly had my sisters go with me to see if this would be any different. Wow was it different. Jennifer was warm, sensitive to our needs, funny, and so spot on. She felt our love for our Amazing Mom and she said her heart was so very heavy because of how much our Mom missed and loved us. She knew how our Mom passed. She knew what our children call their Grandpa. She knew future things that happened as soon as we returned home. She was professional but relaxed and very comforting. I just wantted to hug her. We have all been on a loving high since seeing her. I feel like our Mother is around more and we are more in tune with what signs are happening around us. She also gave so much of herself to us and could see how much we needed this. She saw our Mom in her apron which she always wore. She has so many details that just brought us back to Mom being here. She even gave us things to do to honor Mom. What our Mother has asked of us. Tears were flowing and we were overjoyed with what we got out of meeting with Jennifer. She explained stuff to us and told us so many things that no one would ever know. She truly has an amazing gift that she nurtures and cares for because she believes in it and loves to help people. She is a wonderful soul with a heart of GOLD....We felt like she was part of the family because she knew us and Mom by the time we left. We will be going again to catch up with Mom and ask all the questions we forgot to ask. Seriously one of the most peaceful and rewarding moments since Moms passing. The last two nights I have slept so peacefully. I have not done this in almost 2 years. Jennifer brings closure, new hope, new journeys, peace and understanding to your struggles.

Gina R    Redondo beach,CA   

Jennifer absolutely has an amazing talent that can connect you with deceased loved ones, help you work through grief, unanswered questions, and even tying together current fears and anxieties with past lives. I had my second phone call with Jennifer yesterday and feel such a sense of peace and understanding today. My mind is still reeling from details there is no way she could have known. She has such a kind voice and soft soul that comes through in her readings. She instantly brings comfort.

Casey Gross   

Jennifer is absolutely wonderful and one of a kind! Not only was she accurate and detailed with what she was telling me, but she was also so sweet, kind, and heart-centered. It felt like she was an old friend even though it was my first reading with her. After the reading was done, I felt very calm and at ease with the situation I was asking about. Jennifer's description of the person in question was so clear and completely made sense. I received the clarity I was looking for and I now feel much more confident about the situation. Jennifer gave me hope for my future and I can't wait to request another reading with her again. I am so grateful that I've found Jennifer and that I was fortunate enough to have received a reading from her that was filled with such loving kindness! I definitely look forward to my next reading!

Nellie    New York, NY   

Jennifer was amazing for our spirt reading. Jennifer was actually referred to my family from a highly esteemed doctor. Jennifer was right on the messages we received. it gave my son some hope again of an afterlife. I do need to add what a great heart Jennifer has , and how extremely compassionate she is. I recommend Jennifer to everyone.

Dee Williams    Los Angeles   

I found Jennifer through a dear friend, when I had a problem with a stalker. My friend told me that Jennifer helped on police cases, so I contacted her. While helping me with the police case, Jennifer asked if my parents had passed. I said yes...she said," they want to talk to you". I was blown away because I didn't even know that Jennifer does that sort of reading. What shocked me more, was that Jennifer told me, thru my mother...the exact events that had happened a few days before, with the stalker. Jennifer even told me exactly what my THOUGHTS were during that event, and that my mother had helped me come to the decision that day to stop all communication with this man. No one on this earth knew what had happened that day but me. I think Jennifer is amazingly gifted. I have had many conversations with my parents with the help of Jennifer...and have been brought a lot peace with the knowledge that my parents are with me every single day. I can't thank Jennifer enough for all she has brought to my life.

Laura P.    Houston, Texas   

Jennifer's communication with my recently deceased fiance was so very special to me, passing on facts and nuances that only he and I shared. She was able to pick up on his pet name for me through an unconventional symbol only my love would have ever used and I love that Jennifer was able to interpret his kooky humor. She was so accurate as well as compassionate and kudos to her for being able to do such an amazing reading only three weeks after her own father passed away. I am so grateful.

Kim Hammar    United States   

Jennifer is an amazing soul. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to be in her presence and experience her amazing gift. Jennifer helped me connect to my loved ones, and she was able to reveal things that were very private. Through her communication with my loved ones I was able to get a sense of clarity and most of all calmness about my world. I left feeling clam and uplifted. It was an amazing experience, and I would love to come back and see her again. Thank you jennifer!!!,

Anna G.    West Hollywood   

I booked Jennifer for some guidance on relationships/career-that's what I told her. I was shocked when she started channeling my brother (I had asked him to talk to me). She knew things she couldn't have looked up, like knowing that he had brown eyes and I have blue eyes. I never even told her my brother had passed. Jennifer was amazing & comforting. She also told me the same thing about my relationship that others had told me...further validation. I will definitely call her again before others.
Renee Falkenberg

Renee Falkenberg    New York, NY   

I am 78- years- old and at this stage in life I never felt I would experience a loving companionship again. Then out of nowhere Len came in. We only had a short time together, two years, but I have never felt more loved by anyone. When Len started to get sick and we couldn’t figure out why my daughter insisted I talk to Jennifer. Jennifer told me she saw cancer in Len, a large mass. This was devastating news and I wasn’t sure how to get through this.
Jennifer helped guide me through it all, helping me cope with the loss I was about to have and teaching me to help Len let go so he could be in a better place then the painful one he was experiencing now. Len has recently passed and Jennifer is still there helping me deal with such a loss. She has been amazing, compassionate and caring. It has been through Jennifer that my acceptance of such a loss has become somewhat easier; she has become a friend, a comfort and someone who has helped guide me at a time when I feel so lost.
If you are looking to help someone pass, communicate with someone who has already passed or looking to reconnect your heart to love again YOU must get a reading with Jennifer. If I was skeptical about mediums before Jennifer has changed my life and mind.
Thank you Jennifer I will forever be grateful.

Phyllis Nims

Phyllis Nims    New York, NY   

I am truly pleasantly surprised, enlightened, and reassured with my experience with Jen. It was such a treat to meet with her and this experience is something I will always treasure for the rest of my life! I met Jennifer through a friend/coworker of mine. Yes, I was skeptical at first and I did not know what to expect, but I was also very curious at the same time (love watching the show, Long Island Medium haha). Jen was so nice, comforting, and made me feel at ease. She never made me feel nervous and I actually felt calm during the reading. Jen's ability/gift is amazing! How she is able to connect with past events/people is remarkable and mind-blowing! She was spot on and very detailed in telling me specific things about my past, present, and future. She also told me things that will further help me along in life-with people, my career, and for myself, to be the best I can be. Jennifer Shaffer is one in a million and I am so lucky to have met with her! I have walked away from this experience more fulfilled, happier, and with more confidence that I am where I am supposed to be in life 🙂 Thank you so very much Jen! You Rock! Love Always, Lindsey

Lindsey    Los Angeles   

jennifer shaffer has a true angelic way about her. her gift is truly from the heavens. when i met her, she just appeared out of no where, and just at the right time. anything you are supposed to know, she will definitley deliver with all the right and true answers. shes a life changer, and a true gifted woman.

Danielle    Los Angeles   

There are so many wonderful things I can say about Jennifer - where do I begin? It goes without say that she is absolutely an AMAZING psychic!! She just knows things in advance (it is so much fun to get a "preview" in life!) and I can always wait for those situations or people to manifest just as Jennifer had described. Even though I shouldn't be surprised when what she tells me ends up happening, I still am amazed and surprised. She can describe other people's personalities and how they'll most likely react, etc. and then I see that exact thing happening! Somehow, Jennifer just sees things in advance and can tell me what will or will not work for me (of course, I have free will to choose which outcome). On top of that, Jennifer is such a SWEETHEART!! She is super nice, genuine, patient, understanding, generous...the list can go on! Because of these qualities of Jennifer (beautiful person and superb abilities), she is my absolute go-to reader for anything at all I need answers or insights in to. I can't wait for my next session with Jennifer! I also can't wait to validate and share with her the things she recently told me that will happen. I just LOVE & APPRECIATE Jennifer!! =)

Nellie    NY, NY   

Such an amazing experience! While going through a very confusing time, I contacted Jennifer for a reading. Within the first few moments she had my jaw dropped. She was able to pick up on moments in my life that no one would've known, nor had I discussed them. Such a beautiful soul and spirit. I consider her and my reading a blessing in my life and would recommend her to anyone.
Ashley O'Quinn

Ashley O'Quinn    North Carolina, USA   

I had the most amazing reading of my life with Jennifer. She is so unbelievably compassionate and kind, and razor sharp in her intuition. I took notes during the session and am so glad I did because I will use her wisdom for life. I am so grateful to have found her, she is the best there is! Thank you, Jennifer.
Delilah Moore

Delilah Moore    California   

I've had the opportunity to read with Jennifer and her gifts were clearly exhibited when my sister came through during our reading. She had recently passed and I was dealing with the loss and Jennifer made several comments that only Shelby would've made. In fact, Jennifer prefaced each comment with, "I'm sorry but she said..."

Truly classic and only my home girl , Shelby , would've made those comments and It was evident that I was given the gift of being able to get confirmation that my bad-ass Angel is rocking her scene while watching over me.

Jennifer's style is unique in the fact that she simply states what she's picking up and doesn't ask a bunch of leading questions, attempting to stretch the conversation, looking for clues to extend the reading.

If you seek an honest, straight up reading, you found the right person and I'm confident you will be impressed.


Chase Deaton    Frisco, Texas   

I had a dream about my deceased father about a week ago, and a couple of days after, I was told about Jennifer and a very fascinating meeting she had with a friend. Though I was somewhat cynical, I felt compelled to meet Jennifer and see if she could tell me anything about my father. Though my father and I loved each other dearly, we never talked about our feelings. My heart has been heavy since his death because I never told him how grateful I was and how much I loved him. It was very clear from my meeting with Jennifer that she really has a gift. She saw things about my father that could not have been guessed or assumed, as well as many other things about other areas of my life. With Jennifer's guidance, my father and I communicated honestly and sincerely for the first time ever. I now have peace in my heart and a sense of hope that I did not expect to achieve. What started out as curiosity has turned out to be a life changing event. I am so grateful to Jennifer for the experience and hope others are fortunate enough to learn about her gifts and take the step to have such an experience for themselves.

Michelle    Los Angeles, CA   
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