
Pathways To Healing

While a “Mediumship Grief Guidance” session might be helpful in your process to healing, it is also necessary for a qualified expert to help you process what you have learned, even further. Jennifer will always ask in her sessions when someone is grieving if he/she has a grief counselor or therapist. The reason why is because although she might help you with your grieving process, she is not a licensed expert. To get the most out of a session with Jennifer it might be helpful to process the information with a licensed individual.

Feeling loved and supported is not always enough for maintaining well-being. For serious concerns involving addiction, self esteem and personality problems, sexual, emotional and physical abuses – eating disorders and especially thoughts of suicide – please reach out to a qualified expert who can help you. Your life matters.

Southern California Counseling Center Tel: 323-937-1344
The Southern California Counseling Center provides high quality psychological counseling to those of limited income. Since 1967 SCC has been offering sliding scale counseling services and outreach programs to Southern California’s diverse multi-cultural community meeting the needs of those who otherwise would not have access to mental health services.

Below are some of the services that they provide:

Individual, Couple, Family, Child and Group Counseling
School-Based Counseling Services
The Abuse Prevention Program
Best Practice Parenting
Rage Resolution Group
Teen Violence Prevention Group
Project Fatherhood

The suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255.

The suicide prevention lifeline is an online suicide prevention, awareness, and support website. Please remember to ALWAYS get help immediately for yourself or anyone you know who is suicidal. Suicide is not an answer. Help is always the solution for all troubles. If you are thinking of suicide call this number now! By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.

There is also help for    Bullying,   Veterans,  Young Adults,  Ayuda en Español 

Cyberbullying in School: Prevention and Victim Support – Thank you Kate Mitchell, Community Outreach, Community for Accredited Online Schools.

Debt Impact on Mental Health: How to Rebuild Your Finances– Thank you Blake Hughes, Outreach Communications, CreditCards.com

Students Coping with Grief & Loss at School: Expert Advice on Recognizing Symptoms of Grief, Accepting Loss & Getting Help

A Parents’ Guide to Suicide Prevention: Is one you may have seen before, but in light of recent events I thought it would be highly beneficial to share again. Thank you for this information Cameron Banks, Community Outreach, Community for Accredited Online Schools.

The Survivors of Suicide is a web community for those who’ve lost a loved one to suicide.Time heals all wounds is not necessarily true for survivors of suicide. Time is necessary for healing, but time is not enough. Shared feelings enrich and lead to growth and healing. Grief that survivors of suicide experience is unique. Get help resolving your pain today. Please click the link above.

The Compassionate Friends assists families grieve following the death of a child of any age. They also provide information on supporting the bereaved. Parents, grandparents and siblings are all welcome.. This organization has no religious affiliation or agenda and there are no membership dues or fees.

Survivors Healing Center (831)-423-7601
The Survivors Healing Center is a California non-profit organization providing education, information, referrals, quality services, and support to survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their allies. Their primary goals are to empower those victimized by sexual abuse throughout the healing process and to prevent sexual abuse of children and youth. Please call (831)-423-7601 for information about how to begin your life free from the pain of childhood sexual abuse.

Sober Recovery lists hundreds of addiction treatment and alcoholism treatment resources in the U.S., Canada, and Overseas. If you want to stop abusing illegal or prescription drugs and alcohol you have options. There is a way to get sober and stay sober. Today there are programs for all walks of life with all kinds of addictions. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction the first step toward recovery is getting informed.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders(630) 577 – 1330

Start Your Recovery : Substance Abuse Resources & Support  Start Your Recovery is a website developed by bringing together experts in substance abuse treatment from leading nonprofit, academic, and government institutions. Our goal is to offer people a single source of relatable, reliable information at any stage of their substance use recovery journey.

Support Groups:

Lost Of A Child

Parents Of Murdered Children

Lost Of A Loved Pet

Mothers Against Drinking & Driving

Suicide Awareness Voices Of Education

Grief Haven

After Death Communication (ADC):

Prevention of Suicides In Colleges – This Resource Will Help You Understand If You Or Someone You Love Needs Help  

Denise McDermott, M.D. Diplomate of Adult and Child Psychiatry drdenisemcdermott.com                                                                                                                    

Michele L. Blume, Psy.D. Psychotherapy drmicheleblume.com

Isabelle Gray     Reiki        https://www.atouchof.co

Kelly Austin     Your Spiritual Psychology Mentor   KellyAustin.com

Carol Dafesh, MS, Marriage & Family Therapist CarolDafeshTherapy.com
Sara Sedlik, MA, MFTI SaraSedlik.com
Frank Amato, DC,DABCO thecenter.org
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry aacap.org
American Psychiatric Association psych.org
Allen Berger, Ph.D., Addiction Specialist abphd.com
Deborah Budding Ph.D.,Neuropsychologist deborahbudding.com
Jennifer Cech McNerney, Speech Pathologist 310.529.6121
Children and Adults with Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder chadd.org
Moe Gelbart,Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist gelbartandassociates.com
Paul Grin,DDS.,MPH,APC South Bay TMJ & Orofacial Pain Institute southbaytmj.com
Nancy Harjani-Muirhead, Psy.D., Psychologist/CogMed attentionandlearningservices.com
Corinne Hickson, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist completefamilyservices.com
Joey Komada, L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Herbalist joeykomada.com
Diana Lipson Burge, Registered Dietician dianalipsonburge.com
Helene McDonald,M.D.,Adult and Child Psychiatrist 310.318.9091
Thelma McMillen Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment torrancememorial.org
National Alliance on Mental Illness nami.org
Occupational,Speech/Language & Physical Therapy pediatrictherapynetwork.org
Ronald Reagan UCLA Admissions ucla.org
Teri Solochek,Ph.D., Educational Consultant 818.348.8248
Rae Thrasher, M.A., M.F.C.T. raethrashertherapist.com
Melanie West, Educational Psychologist therightsideoflearning.com
Patrick White, Ph.D.,Play Therapy 310.372.8068

Gregory Lipton, L.Ac. Acupuncture Of Oceanside www.acupunctureoceanside.com

Recommended Reading By John Holland

A Medium’s Cookbook: Recipes for the Soul by Suzane Northop (Northstar 2005)

All My Relations – Living with Animals as Teachers and Healers by Susan Chernack McElroy (New World Publishing 2004)

Animal And The Afterlife by Kim Sheridan (EnLightHouse Publishing 2003)

Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue and Lynette Brown (Hay House Publishing 2005)

**Born Knowing by John Holland with Cindy Pearlman (Hay House Publishing 2003)

**Contacting the Spirit World by Linda Williamson

Develop Your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman

Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity by Lynn A. Robinson

**Dream Images and Symbols by Kevin Todeschi

ESP for Kids by Dr. Tag Powell and Carol Howell MIlls

Everything Happens for a Reason by Suzane Northrop

Glynis Has Your Number by Glynis McCants (Hyperion 2005)

Hello From Heaven by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim

How to Heal with Color by Ted Andrews

Is Your Child Psychic? by Alex Tanous and Katherine Fair Donnelly (iUniverse 2000)

**Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship by Gordon Smith

Life Among the Dead by Lisa Williams (Simon Spotlight Entertainment 2009)

**Living Images by Coral Polge and Kay Hunter (SAGB 1997)

Looking Beyond by James Van Praagh (Fireside Publishing 2003)

Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss (Fireside 1998)

**Many Voices: The Autobiography of a Medium by Eileen Garrett

**Mediums and their Work by Linda Williamson

Messages From Spirit by Colette Baron Reid (Hay House Publishing 2008)

**On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

One Last Time by John Edward (Berkley Trade 1999)

**On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss by Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler

Power of the Soul by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2007)

Principles of Spiritualism by Lyn G. de Swarte (Thorsons Publishing 1999)

Psychic Workbook by Craig Hamilton Parker

**Psychic Navigator by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2004)

Soulful Parenting by Susan Gale and Peggy Day (A.R.E. Press 2008)

**Spiritual Unfoldment – Books 1,2,3 by White Eagle

Tails From Beyond by Ann Redding and Ann Campbell (Outskirts Press 2008)

The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue (Hay House Publishing 2001)

The Case for Reincarnation by Joe Fisher (Batam Publishing 1985)

The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Russell Friedman (Harper Perennial Publishing 1998)

The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aaron PhD (Broadway Publishing 2002)

The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober (Hay House Publishing 1999)

The Intuitive Spark by Sonia Choquette (Hay House Publishing 2007)

**The New Mediumship by Grace Cook

**The Power Of Your Spirit: Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities by Stephen O’Brien (Voices Publishing 2003)

**The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2010)

The Unmistakable Touch of Grace by Cheryl Richardson (Free Press 2006)

Transforming Fate Into Destiny by Robert Ohotto (Hay House Publishing 2008)

Unfinished Business by James Van Praagh (Harper One 2009)

You Are Psychic by Pete A Sanders

**Your Psychic Potential by Billy Roberts (published in the UK)

**Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die by David Kessler

**Wheels of Life – A User’s Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith, Ph. D

When a Pet Passes On by Alison Landis Stone (Healthy Pet Magazine/Douglas Drew Publisher February 2008)

**Where Two Worlds Meet: How to Develop Evidential Mediumship by Janet Nohavec

**denotes books recommended specifically for mediumship development

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