Jennifer Shaffer’s Predictions for 2018
We are all coming closer together to empower each other.
One of the major banks will be hacked – feels like by the Chinese.
Korean money – something is going to happen with their money.
They are too leveraged in Korea and have used that money to get more money in real estate loans from the US. This will effect the US in the next few years.
Bitcoin still going up. There will be two major opportunities to buy in late January and in August.
Trump will lay low. His heart has a problem. He will need help with his health in June.
Russia is in a waiting pattern – maybe because of funds- they actually feel quiet this year. I feel something explosive in 2019.
Terrorist Activity
In the first few months of the year I feel like “Kim Jong-un” is going to be gone – missing. It could also mean that he goes quiet.
Chinese doing something to North Korea to help South Korea because they are afraid. Indirectly China will be helping the US when it comes to North Korea.
Activity in a Washington subway or underground system, and then Oregon in June – possibly a lot of shootings there.
July – North Korea trying to send or testing another nuclear weapon to northern California or Oregon area – It will not make it to US.
July – Feels like southeast Europe – feels like we are dealing with something chemical – bomb?
Southern part of US – riots in Alabama around November – because of a shooting – possibly someone influential.
Something will happen in New York – almost feels like Tri-State area, maybe New Jersey. I’m being shown almost like a plane going down in the water. Something is going to happen to Long Island.
Cyber security will get stronger – Germany will help.
January – In California I’m seeing flooding and mud slides in areas affected by fires. I’m getting the number 3 so maybe the third week of January there will be a lot of rain. All of California in general will have massive rains, but Northern California is especially going to suffer in January. Mother Nature’s rage is coming our way.
February – Asia – a lot of storms, massive slides
April – Record high temperatures and in general massive weather peaks at this time.
June – Earthquakes – something in Indonesia, Malaysia, or in the ocean near there. Not a tsunami but I get something happening out in the ocean – epicenter is out in the ocean, but confused as it’s not a tsunami.
August- Another hurricane hits Florida on the Gulf coast.
Flooding and power outages in New Orleans area – below sea level.
Beyonce and Eminem will both do amazing this year with their music.
William and Kate – something wrong with the infant – will need a couple of surgeries, but will be okay.
Love and Unity For 2018
This is the year we work hard together and we celebrate one another. It is a year of truth and justice for yourself and for others. Collaboration with others will make all the difference in your endeavors. Be diligent and be kind to your body and to your mind. Love yourself and give love to others. The planet is changing, the climate is changing, your frequencies are changing. Ask your guides and your loved ones from above to help you along the way. You deserve a powerful year. Make every moment count and be grateful for experiencing those moments.

In Celebration of the New Year, Calling Out is having a taping tomorrow with producer Jennifer Musil, mediums Jennifer Medlyn Shaffer, Calise Simone, Apryl Everett, and newbie Sloan Bella Psychic Astrologist to see what’s coming in the New Year! Plus, a possible cameo from Psychic Medium A.J. Barrera! We have released the previous prediction shows for you to get for free today! Has anything come true? Be the judge and tell us your thoughts!
We will release the new Prediction Podcast show on this link provided on Drdrew.com below, and on Tunes, Podbean, and all the other platforms!
1. CO50: 2015 Predictions
@JerryHoskey, Colby Rebel and Psychic Barbara Mackeylook ahead into 2015.
2. 96: Presidential Predictions & World Affairs 2016 Jennifer Medlyn Shaffer Psychic Barbara Mackey, Calise Simone & Jerry Hoskey
3. 109: 2017 Psychic Prediction Posse
Mediums Jennifer Medlyn Shaffer Calise Simone Apryl Everett, and Cindy Kaza
4. Predictions for 2017: What’s Next? (Taped in April 2017)
Caleb Bacon joins Jennifer Shaffer Psychic Colby Rebely and Cindy Kaza