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November 2nd “The Day of the Dead,” Dia de los Muertos we celebrate our loved ones….

Celebrate your loved ones today, do something they would want to do. Honor them and ask them for signs that they are around. Celebrate them every day but today do it with nostalgia instead of sorrow and know that they feel your love.


Tap here for more information about where in Los Angeles you can celebrate!


Jennifer Interviewed Mark D. Houle, A Brilliant Amazing Sound Therapy Practitioner and Certified Medium By Lisa Williams

Don’t Miss Jennifer Shaffer as she interviews Mark Houle. Jennifer has personally witnessed the amazing healing work that Mark has done with not only herself but with others like Master Psychic and Author Lisa Williams. Mark is a recognized world renowned medium but equally if not more he is recognized through spiritual circles as a “Cutting Edge Healer,” using new techniques that has everyone taking notice. This is another interview that you don’t want to miss!

Happy Thanksgiving. This is a short few seconds of what I realized was the Universe giving thanks to all of us this morning. I was in absolute awe of the colors that glistened off of the water. I am incredibly grateful to all of you. This year has been a year of change, growth, expansion, trust and love. We are so lucky to be here right now at this time. All that is required of us is to just Be Love.

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